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                About us


                公 司: Shenzhen Mei Kitchen Equipment Co., Ltd.
                地 址: No. b21-b22, Fuyong Group 1 Decoration Market, Shajing, Shenzhen
                电 话: 18319066618
                E-mail: muoxqbzpAGEP@58.com

                Shenzhen Mei Kitchen Equipment Co., Ltd. is specialized in the maintenance of kitchen equipment; hotels, restaurants, dining halls, cooking stoves, stir-frying stoves, steam cabinets, fume extractors, centrifugal fans, motors, stove maintenance, oil-gas interaction, replacement of stoves, refractory brick mud, blower, stove accessories, cleaning kitchen hood, ventilation equipment, static smoke removal equipment, refrigeration equipment, custom-made smoke hood, etc. White iron projects such as smoke pipes and gas pipes, as well as Chinese and Western kitchen equipment design, manufacture, installation works and refrigerators, freezers, ventilation equipment, fume purification, white iron ventilation, factory cooling, commercial kitchen engineering maintenance, agent for all kinds of Chinese and Western kitchen utensils, product marketing and implementation projects.
                The company has a strong technical force, production capacity, has a product development engineers and engineers and technicians composed of professional technical team and high-quality production and service team.
                The company relies on advanced technology, excellent product quality, perfect after-sales service system to occupy the market and win the trust of the majority of customers. The aim of Chuanghong is to "stress contract" and "keep promise" with complete supporting, excellent quality, reasonable price and complete service.
                With our in-depth understanding of the direction of industry development and unique development vision, our company has enabled our services and products to be matched with customers'investment and management ideas, made a good front-end planning of restaurant programs before equipment purchase, made good after-sales service after equipment purchase, and provided conscientious products and high-quality projects to customers. Therefore, we have obtained many successful cases and experiences, and won. It has won the recognition and trust of our customers.
                In line with the purpose of "honesty-oriented, win-win cooperation", the company upholds the belief of "progress, cooperation and pursuit of excellence", constantly improves product quality, constantly improves management mechanism, continuously improves service quality, and has a high reputation in the market and customers.
                We hope that new and old customers will give us more valuable suggestions! We promise that whether you are a unit or a personal cooperation, the kitchen and kitchen equipment will make you and your unit satisfied!
