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                公 司: Shenzhen Mei Kitchen Equipment Co., Ltd.
                地 址: No. b21-b22, Fuyong Group 1 Decoration Market, Shajing, Shenzhen
                电 话: 18319066618
                E-mail: muoxqbzpAGEP@58.com

                Overall kitchen solution


                Oil Pollution and Its Harm
                When steam, grease and solid pollutants pass through smoke hood, pipeline and fan, they will deposit on the surface of these components and form oil pollution over time. According to the type of cooking and the amount of cooking used, the exhaust fume system will deposit a large amount of oil pollution in a very short time, reaching hundreds of kilograms a year.
                fire risk
                About 5,000 restaurant fires occur in the United States each year, causing losses of up to $80 million. Such fires usually occur in the cooking area and then spread rapidly to the roof through the exhaust system. Oil pollution can burn up to 1400 degrees.
                Potential environmental health hazards
                The continuous deposition of oil contamination in the exhaust fume system not only produces dirty odor, but also breeds bacteria more easily and becomes a hazard to environmental health. Increase energy consumption, reduce service life, oil deposition in the exhaust fume system increases air flow resistance, so it is necessary to increase the fan load to ensure normal operation. At the same time, the service life of the equipment is shortened.
                Method of cleaning:
                In the exhaust fume system, some parts are easy to disassemble and touch, such as exhaust hood, filter and fan. Usually these components can be cleaned by hot pressing (> 120 bar) and special chemical detergent (pH > 14). Others are not easy to touch and disassemble, such as vertical and vertical pipes, which require special equipment and methods.
                In many cases, the only way to remove oil from these places is to use high-temperature steam and chemical cleaners. In this way, the oil can be returned to the initial liquid state, and the oil can be cleaned out from the depth of the pipeline.